
Become a CCA Partner

We love working with other nonprofit organizations to strengthen our programming and expand our reach.

A group of smiling people

Partnerships Are In Our DNA

Capitol Creative Alliance was founded on the power of forming friendships (ahem, partnerships) with creative groups throughout our region. We truly believe in the power of these relationships and we recognize and appreciate the value that they bring to our programs, our events, our community and our organization.

We collaborate with our partners We form these relationships with other nonprofit organizations, local colleges and universities, civic agencies, and local creatives; to support each other with program and service delivery, and share each other’s events with our respective networks.

Cultivating a Diverse Creative Workforce

We work with local cultural organizations that help us reach communities that are traditionally underrepresented in our region’s creative workforce. These include the Black, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latino, Native American, LGBTQIA+ and disabled communities.

Our partnerships are an integral part of our organization and we rely on our social capital to help sustain our programs and services. If you are interested in partnering with us, we would love to get in touch.

Thank you to our amazing partners 🌟

Interested in becoming a partner?

Please fill out our Partnership Form and we will be in touch!